“The Temperatures Are Rising, And So Are The Stakes”

“The Temperatures Are Rising, And So Are The Stakes”


ink pen and brush pen on paper

January, 2023

“The temperatures are rising, and so are the stakes” — the Red Deal, an indigenous call for action beyond the scope of the U.S. colonial state.

In 2000, the World Bank pressured Bolivia to privatize its water 💧 systems. Water became 1/5 of the average Bolivians expenses, people rose up against the commodification of water, which went as far as to criminalize rain water collection. The Bolivian army arrested and killed its people, including a 17 year old boy.

Bechtel, the largest construction company in the US was responsible for this push. Bechtel is largely involved in copper mining around the Atacama dessert (see my piece “New Extractive Frontiers” for more on this), pumping desalinated water into the dessert to support this mining process.

Ultimately, the people won, expelling Bechtel from Bolivia. — all of this from Upstream Podcast, “The Green Transition” Ep.2

Usually the faces in my drawing are dignified and still, but I tried to translate the current and impending violence if the Global North does not adapt a de-growth and international perspective to our energy transition. That we *must* do more than simply switch from extracting petrol to extracting copper. It will continue to devastate the Global South.


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